The most flexible segmentation on the market

Use our no-code segment builder to boost productivity and create dynamic self-updating segments quickly and thoroughly. Hyper personalize segments for hyper relevant messaging


Create dynamic segments based on user attributes

Use a combination of attribute filters to define groups of users. Any dynamic segment will automatically update and add and remove users as they satisfy the conditions

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Re-engage your users

Retarget across channel based on whether users, saw opened or clicked previous messages. Let users who engaged with one set of campaigns receive similar campaigns, and avoid sending content users don't open

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Event filters with large lookback periods

Use a combination of attribute filters and event filters to define groups of users based on what they do and how they act in your application

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Behavioural up-to-date  segments

Use a combination of attribute filters and event filters to define groups of users based on what they do and how they act in your application. Any dynamic segment will automatically update and add and remove users as they satisfy the conditions

Retarget based on prior journeys

Targeting users who previously responded to journeys results in higher conversion and engagement. Use our powerful filters to retarget across channel based on whether users, saw opened or clicked previous messages

Advanced csv imports, PII allowlists

Create one of lists of users from csvs, and import them when you need. We can ingest csvs with millions of users, and columns. Avoid importing user attributes you are not allowed too with PII allowlists
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