Send notifications and market intelligently, across platforms

Communicate with millions of your users across push, email, sms and other channels. Segment, re-target, and message to your heart's content with an affordable open source platform. Use our cloud or self-hosting options.

Create best in class user journeys across push, email and sms

Give users the nudge they need to get to their 'aha' moment, over and over again

Welcome users with a timed campaign

Messaging customers at core touch points helps make your product feel more personal, and welcoming. Use Laudspeaker to set up a drip campaing, and personalize messages based on customer attributes

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Re-engage your users

Send messages to your dormant users, if they don't complete core actions, or after pre-determined lengths of time to keep your product top of mind

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Send the right promotion

Use Laudspeaker's A/B test feature to send the right promotions to the right users at the right time

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Cut down on churn

Use well timed renewal campaigns to proactively message users before they forget to renew. Pick the right messaging channel for them, and switch channels if they don't respond via one.

Laudspeaker sends over 100 million messages a week

Integrate and build with our sdk

Integrate our ios and android sdks to send and recieve push notifications; custom user events; and track opens and clicks. Check out our docs, tutorials and source code to understand exactly how it works!

Build User Journeys Visually

Build mobile specific or omni-channel messaging flows quickly, and intuitively in a visual tool everyone can understand. Branch, loop, and run complex logic quickly and clearly.

Target different Personas and Segments

Personalize messaging flows based on their persona, by using our robust segmentation capabilities. Split users by different attribute types, events they have performed or messages they have received.
Publish Journey

Monitor and Analyze

Understand which step in your onboarding journey or messaging flow your user is in. Track their success, iterate and update your messaging flows to improve conversion.
Use our cloud, open source edition, or self-hosted plans
Want to explore some more? Sign up for our product or read on for specific features
Push notifications
Our customer engagement platform is the only open source, mobile focused, self-hostable option on the market.
Use our low-code builder to create well thought out sequences of pages and screens that tells your product's story. Coming soon!
Reduce churn with existing users, while using powerful tools to identify high LTV segments of your users. Coming soon!
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